International Entrepreneur Category

The International Entrepreneur stream of the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLNP) welcomes foreign business people with the finances and management experience to own and operate a business in Newfoundland.

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Program Requirements

Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceNo
Job OfferNo
Language ProficiencyCLB 5
Level of EducationHigh School
Work Experience2 years managing/owning a business OR 5 years as senior business manager
Investment RequirementNet Worth: $600,000 CAD
Investment: $200,000 CAD

Language Proficiency

Applicants will be required to provide proof of language proficiency in English or French. At least Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 5 is required.  



Applicants must show that they have completed a minimum level of education equivalent to a Canadian high school diploma. If completed outside of Canada this must be supported by an Educational Credentials Assessment (ECA).


Work Experience

Candidates must have sufficient work experience to successfully establish and run a business in Newfoundland & Labrador. This can be demonstrated through at least two (2) years of experience as an active business owner-manager, or more than five (5) years experience as a senior business manager.  


Investment Requirement

Candidates need to demonstrate that they are able to invest in and establish a business in Newfoundland & Labrador. Candidates must therefore demonstrate a personal net worth of at least $600,000 CAD, and make a minimum investment of $200,000 CAD in a new or existing business that they purchase.

Application Procedure

This program uses an Expression of Interest (EOI) system to select applicants. In order to be considered for the program, first a candidate must submit an EOI using the PNP’s online service. Please note that the EOI service only opens for short periods throughout the year. Candidates will be ranked against one another based on their EOIs and the most competitive candidates will be invited to apply to the program.

After receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) candidates must submit an official application for nomination to the province. This application includes documentation supporting the information included in the original EOI. As well, all applicants must pay an application fee of CAD $1,000 and must provide an Audit Report and a Business Establishment Plan, outlining their entrepreneurial intentions. If an application is deemed to be complete, the applicant will have to travel to Newfoundland and Labrador to participate in an in-person interview. If the interview is successful, the applicant must sign a Business Performance Agreement, detailing their commitments to establish or purchase a business in the province.

If an application is approved, the applicant will receive a work permit authorization letter allowing them to apply for a Canadian work permit. With work permit in hand, the applicant must relocate to Newfoundland and Labrador to launch their business. After operating the business in accordance with their Business Performance Agreement the applicant may apply to the province for an official Provincial Nomination. 

Once an applicant has received an official nomination, they can apply to IRCC for Canadian permanent resident status.

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