Labour Impact

Skilled workers and recent graduates wishing to permanently settle in PEI can take advantage of one of several Labour Impact streams of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nomination Program (PEI PNP).

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These programs give prospective immigrants who have a job offer from a PEI employer the opportunity to take advantage of an accelerated path to permanent residency. The PEI Labour Impact category includes three streams:

PEI Skilled Worker

Workers with relevant experience in skilled occupations and have been hired or identified by a PEI employer can receive provincial nomination through one of the PEI Skilled Worker streams. The Skilled Workers in PEI stream is for candidates currently working in the province of PEI. Eligible candidates outside of PEI may be able to apply to the PEI Skilled Workers Outside of Canada stream.

PEI Critical Worker

Workers in low-skilled occupations who have worked on a full-time basis for at least six months with a PEI employer may be eligible for provincial nomination through the PEI Critical Worker stream. Applicants must have experience as a truck driver, labourer, customer service agent, hospitality worker, or housekeeper.

PEI International Graduate

Recent graduates from recognized PEI post-secondary institutions who have received a full-time, permanent job offer in a skilled occupation and hold a valid Post-Graduation Work Permit may be eligible for the PEI International Graduate stream.

PEI Labour Impact Category Ranking System

If a candidate meets all of the Skilled Worker in PEI eligibility requirements, they will need to create a profile in the PEI Expression of Interest (EOI) system. Applicants will be awarded up to 100 points based on their age, language, education, work experience, employment, and adaptability.

Overview of Factors

FactorSkilled WorkerCritical WorkerInternational Graduate
Work experience2020N/A
Maximum Points100100100


AgeSkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEIInternational GraduateCritical Worker
Over 490000


Proficiency in English or FrenchSkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEICritical Worker
Employer signed PEI PNP-L06 Employer Language Declaration2020N/A
CLB/NCLC 10202020
CLB/NCLC 9202020
CLB/NCLC 8171717
CLB/NCLC 7151515
CLB/NCLC 6101010


Level of EducationSkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEIInternational GraduateCritical Worker
Master's or Doctoral (PhD) level15153510
Post-secondary degree - program of at least 3 years of full-time study12122010
Post-secondary diploma in a trade that requires at least 2 years of full-time study10102010
High schoolN/AN/AN/A15

Work Experience

Work ExperienceSkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEICritical Worker
6 or more years202020
4-6 years151515
2-4 years101010
Up to 2 years000


EmploymentSkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEIInternational GraduateCritical Worker
Working in a permanent full-time position in PEI with a valid work permit5N/A55
Job offer in PEI related to field of study10101010
Foreign qualification with the regulated body in PEI. (Not an ECA)5555
One year or more of continuous full-time work experience in PEI5555


AdapdabilitySkilled Worker in PEISkilled Worker Outside PEIInternational GraduateCritical Worker
The applicant has a close relative that is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in PEI for at least 12 consecutive months5555
The applicant's spouse or common-law partner and/or their dependent children have a language ability of CLB 6 or higher in English or French5555
The applicant currently owns residential property in PEI for at least 12 consecutive months5555
The applicant graduated from a recognized PEI post-secondary institution5555
The applicant's spouse or common-law partner has at least 3 years of work
experience in the last 5 years
The applicant's dependent children have been enrolled in a PEI educational institution for a minimum of 6 consecutive months55N/A5

PEI Labour Impact and Express Entry Recent Draws

DateStreamNumber of Invitations issuedSelection Attributes
02/01/2024Labour Impact / Express Entry78Invitations were issued to individuals working in Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Agriculture, and Early Childhood Education sectors.
01/18/2024Labour Impact / Express Entry134Invitations under the PEI Express Entry, Skilled Worker, and Critical Worker Streams were issued to individuals working for a PEI employer with a minimum point score of 65.
12/21/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry26Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Construction and Food Processing sectors.
11/30/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry69Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Manufacturing, Food Processing and Construction sectors.
11/16/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry134Critical Worker and Express Entry invitations were issued to individuals working for a PEI Employer with a minimum EOI score of 55.
11/02/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry42Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Manufacturing, Food Processing and Agriculture sectors.
10/19/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry102Critical Worker & Express Entry invitations were issued to individuals working for a PEI Employer with a minimum EOI score of 55.
10/05/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry20Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare and Food Processing sectors.
09/21/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry153Critical Worker invitations were issued to individuals working for a PEI Employer with a minimum EOI score of 55.
08/31/2023Labour Impact / Express Entry22Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Construction sectors.
Aug 17, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry138Critical Worker Invitations were issued to individuals working for a PEI Employer with a minimum EOI score of 50.
Aug 3, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry58Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Construction, Hotel/Accommodation, and Agriculture sectors.
Jul 20, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry97Critical Worker invitations were issued to individuals working for a PEI Employer with a minimum EOI score of 50.
Jun 29, 2023 Labour Impact / Express Entry90
Jun 15, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry118
Jun 1, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry97
May 4, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry122
Apr 20, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry180
Mar 30, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry113
Mar 16, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry138
Mar 2, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry46
Feb 16, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry222
Jan 19, 2023Labour Impact / Express Entry216
Sep 15, 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry142
Aug 18, 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry117
21 July 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry138
16 June 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry127
20 May 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry137
21 April 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry130
17 March 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry130
17 February 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry117
20 January 2022Labour Impact / Express Entry121
16 December 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry114
18 November 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry172
21 October 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry195
16 September 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry129
19 August 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry152
15 July 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry118
17 June 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry101
20 May 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry138
15 April 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry140
18 March 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry140
18 February 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry102
21 January 2021Labour Impact / Express Entry196
17 December 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry174
19 November 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry221
15 October 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry184
17 September 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry313
20 August 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry277
11 August 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry8
31 July 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry8
16 July 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry158
10 July 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry8
23 June 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry71
18 June 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry10
10 June 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry9
29 May 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry15
15 May 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry14
27 April 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry10
23 March 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry5
20 February 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry143
16 January 2020Labour Impact / Express Entry110
19 December 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry117
21 November 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry157
17 October 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry146
15 August 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry133
18 July 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry118
20 June 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry106
16 May 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry90
18 April 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry113
March 21, 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry131
February 21, 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry170
January 17, 2019Labour Impact / Express Entry61
December 20, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry65
November 15, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry147
October 18, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry270
September 20, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry116
August 16, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry111
July 19, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry75
June 21, 2018Labour Impact60
June 21, 2018Express Entry32
May 17, 2018Labour Impact56
May 17, 2018Express Entry22
April 19, 2018Labour Impact77
April 19, 2018Express Entry75
March 15, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry72
February 15, 2018Labour Impact / Express Entry59

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